SigGen is a program for creating E-Mail or newsgroup signature files. There are 2 flavors; Siggen16 and SigGen32. They work with any program that uses ascii files for a signature; such as Netscape, Pegasus or Eudora. The 32-bit version does not work with Microsoft Exchange unless your using Microsoft's new E-Mail and newsgroup program. SigGen will append taglines to your signature and change the tagline periodically. The current version of SigGen uses a lot of overhead. You shoult not leave it minimized unless you have at least 16 meg of ram. It uses little in the way of GDI (1%) or User (2%) resources, but it uses a whopping 6 meg of physical memory. I hope to resolve that soon by rewriting SigGen in Delphi. If you are installing the 16-bit version, you also need Win32S release 1.3. You can get that at Before installing the 16-bit version, be sure to close all open programs. See the help file for detailed information. If you have problems, complaints, suggestions, or just want to chat, e-mail me at "" SigGen may be distibuted freely. SigGen is shareware and must be registered after 30 days. The shareware version has some functions disabled. You can't change the database; create new databases; add, edit,or delete taglines; use the command line switches; or have SigGen start your mail reader. Needless to say, I encourage you to register! After all, it is only US$10 to register! I hope you enjoy SigGen! Sincerely, Ken Kyler (aka sKyler)